Related Research from the SOJA Team
Dr. Vining and Dr. Wilhelm, and various co-authors, have published several studies related to the leadership of state and federal courts. These include the following:
State Courts: Chief Justices and Chief Judges of State High Courts
Administering Justice: Placing the Chief Justice in American State Politics. Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Teena Wilhelm. The University of Michigan Press, August 2023.
Administering Justice examines the leadership role of chief justices in the American states, including how those duties require chief justices to be part of the broader state political environment. Vining and Wilhelm focus extensively on the power of chief justices as public spokespersons, legislative liaisons, and reform leaders. In contrast to much existing research on states’ chief justices, theirs is primarily on their extrajudicial responsibilities rather than intracourt leadership. They analyze the reform agendas advanced by chief justices by assessing the content of State of the Judiciary remarks delivered over a period of sixty years. The authors also determine what factors influence the likelihood of success when chief justices request legislators to enact reforms. These analyses confirm that chief justices engage with state politics in meaningful ways and that reactions to their proposals are influenced by ideological congruence with other political elites and the scope of their requests. They also examine the chief justice position as an institution, provide a collective profile of its occupants, and examine growing diversity among court leaders. (from “Diversity in Judicial Leadership in the American States.” Teena Wilhelm, Richard L. Vining, Jr., David A. Hughes, and Aidan N. González. 2024. Polity. 56: 408-33. [PDF].
- “Introducing the State of the Judiciary Archive.” Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Teena Wilhelm. 2023. Law & Courts. 33: 5-7. [PDF]
- “Chief Justice Selection Rules and Judicial Ideology.” Teena Wilhelm, Richard L. Vining, Jr., and David A. Hughes. 2023. State Politics & Policy Quarterly. 23: 267-82. [PDF]
- “Trailblazing Chief Justices in the American States.” Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Teena Wilhelm. 2023. Judicature. 106: 42-51. [PDF]
- “Judicial Reform in the American States: The Chief Justice as Political Advocate.” Teena Wilhelm, Richard L. Vining, Jr., Ethan D. Boldt, and Bryan M. Black. 2020. State Politics & Policy Quarterly. 20: 135-56. [PDF]
- “Succession, Opportunism, and Rebellion on State Supreme Courts: Decisions to Run for Chief Justice.” Richard L. Vining, Jr., Teena Wilhelm, and Emily Wanless. 2019. Justice System Journal. 40: 286-301. [PDF]
- “Examining State of the Judiciary Addresses: A Research Note.” Teena Wilhelm, Richard L. Vining, Jr., Ethan D. Boldt, and Allison Trochesset. 2019. Justice System Journal. 40: 158-69. [PDF]
- “Deliberation Rules and Opinion Assignment Procedures in State Supreme Courts: A Replication.” David A. Hughes, Teena Wilhelm, and Richard L. Vining, Jr. 2015. Justice System Journal. 36: 395-410. [PDF]
Federal Courts: The Chief Justice of the United States
- “The Chief Justice as Effective Administrative Leader: The Impact of Policy Scope and Interbranch Relations.” Richard L. Vining, Jr., Teena Wilhelm, and David A. Hughes. 2019. Social Science Quarterly. 100: 1358-68. [PDF]
- “The Politics of the U.S. Federal Judiciary’s Requests for Institutional Reform.” David A. Hughes, Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Teena Wilhelm. 2017. Social Science Quarterly. 98: 1277-95. [PDF]
- “The Chief Justice as Administrative Leader: Explaining Agenda Size.” Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Teena Wilhelm. 2016. In The Chief Justice: Appointment and Influence, ed. David J. Danelski and Artemus Ward. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 357-373. [PDF]
- “The Chief Justice as Advocate-in-Chief: Examining the Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary.” Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Teena Wilhelm. 2012. Judicature. 95: 267-274. [PDF]