The Team Behind State of the Judiciary Archive

The State of the Judiciary Archive is maintained by Dr. Richard L. Vining, Jr., and Dr. Teena Wilhelm of the University of Georgia. Their book Administering Justice: Placing the Chief Justice in State Politics (University of Michigan Press, 2023) examines the selection and activities of chief justices (and equivalent) in the American states.

Dr. Vining is a Professor at the University of Georgia. He received his PhD from Emory University. Dr. Vining’s research focuses on judicial administration, judicial selection, judicial departures, judicial decision-making, and the interaction of courts with exogenous institutions. He has published articles in peer-reviewed outlets including the Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, American Politics Research, Social Science Quarterly, Journal of Law & Courts, State Politics & Policy Quarterly, Political Communication, Judicature, and Justice System Journal. 

Dr. Wilhelm is an Associate Professor at the University of Georgia. She received her PhD from the University of Arizona. Her research focuses on judicial institutions and actors, separation of powers, and the state political environment. Her research has appeared in major political science and legal studies journals, and has been honored by the Southern Political Science Association. Her research has also received support from the National Science Foundation.

Financial support for the State of the Judiciary Archive was provided by a Learning Technologies Grant from the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia. Additional funding was provided by Professor Stephen P. Nicholson, the Philip H. Alston, Jr., Distinguished Chair at the University of Georgia.

Substantial research assistance for this project was provided by Dr. Saskia E. Houghton, Aidan N. Gonzalez, Matthew D. Holmquist, Kelsey L. Moore, and Jamie A. Abrams. In addition, Dr. Vining and Dr. Wilhelm appreciate the valuable help provided by numerous law librarians, court administrators, public information officers, and other personnel associated with state courts of last resort.

All photographs on this website were taken by Dr. Saskia E. Houghton at the Nathan Deal Judicial Center in Atlanta, Georgia, in October 2022. Thanks to Kathleen Joyner, the Public Information Officer at the Georgia Supreme Court, for her assistance.